Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MESTEMACHER (I don't know what this means, but it sounds very important!)

I was excited to dig into this organic sunflower seed loaf I picked up at The Health Shoppe yesterday. I trusted the ingredient list, the protein and fibre grams, and - most importantly - the lady on the front of the package.
OBVIOUSLY she is pretty and fit so by eating this product I, too, will be pretty and fit. This is how it works, right?

I knew I could trust this German-made loaf (The Germans make great, dense bread products). For breakfast, I had one slice with some organic raspberry jam, one hard-boiled egg, and a sliced banana, strawberries, and blueberries.
The loaf was kind of bitter. Maybe not bitter, just not as tasty as I had hoped. I don't think I will buy it again, although I will finish off the loaf. I hate to see organic, German goodness go to waste!

For a snack, I had the very filling combination of the last of my Mary's Organic Crackers with a small container of my homemade hummus. This was a great snack and kept me full beyond my usual lunch break.
For lunch, I had some leftover spaghetti. I wish I had a salad instead, but this was still tasty.

I feel like I have been consuming a bit too much caffeine lately, so I decided to skip my usual coffee in favour of a simple green tea. If my research is correct, a cup of green tea has about 1/2 of the caffeine of coffee. And since I usually consume 16 ounces of coffee at once (in comparison to 8 ounces of tea), I thought this would be a good switch. It seemed to work and I didn't get tired this afternoon like I usually do without my usual infusion of Starbs.

For a snack, I had an apple. I was so anxious, I bit into it before realizing that I must take a picture! Old habits die hard.
I was glad we were having burgers on the BBQ for dinner because that meant I could make a fresh salad.

It contained spinach, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, orange pepper, mushrooms, avocado, walnuts, feta, and sliced figs with a maple balsamic vinaigrette.

I had it with an Amy's garden burger with a bit of chipotle salsa on top. And...a glass of wine!

For dessert, I dipped into one of the many chocolate bars currently frozen in my freezer. I chose some organic dark chocolate.

I ate it while it was still frozen, but I was too anxious to wait for it to defrost!

I am really tired this evening. I would like to take it easy and just read. I picked up a Prevention magazine earlier today. I know this magazine is for those over 40 years old, but I want in on the secrets to living a long, healthy life. Might as well start as soon as possible, right?

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